We are a couple living part time in the Caribbean, East Coast of USA and Quebec Canada. Welcome on the Direct2water web site. Why Direct2water ? Simply because we want to provide you with the easiest way to bring you parts and upgrade for your boat. We have been boaters for the last 30 years and we know how important for the community it is:
- To find a reputable source of products and access to best brands
- Not to spends days shopping for the better price
- Get support and recommendation from reputable professional
This is what we will strive to offer at Direct2water.com
We love having our boat equipped to the latest and greatest. SV Impermanence is a yard built exploration sailboat made of steel and stainless steel. She weight in 20 tons and its a fast, comfortable and forgiving boat at sea.
She was built by a professional yard in 3 years from 2008 to 2011 and then finished and equipped by the owner over the 2012-2015 period. But it took many more years to prepare the boat for complete offshore autonomy and security to ISAF offshore sailing rules.
In future blogs we will explore all upgrades made on SV Impermanence and also all the current trends and tendencies of the boat market and if you have any question please feel free to contact us.